Remembrance of Allah (Dzikrullah)

Allah Almighty flooded the universe. He is the Adhim (the Great). No one lattice, the time and ruangpun in this world that are not filled with God's. The sky and earth met and watched God. Wherever humans and other creatures move in there is no God. God does not mean much and are everywhere, but the Essence of Him that filled the universe. La ilaha illa Ketauhidan / There is no god but Allah, contains a very broad pengetian. The existence of God is not limited to space, time and mass dimensions, making it a virtual natural existence. His presence that not only inundate us, but also negate our existence. Fortunately Essence of God's holy laws and axioms of empirical nature. If God had appeared, such as solids, then we will not have room for this rough body. Because all of the natural lattice of the Essence of God is fulfilled.
That is why God outlines that if a person really believe and groups of people who think, would always be able to feel the presence of God welled. Always remember, and close to God at any moment, sitting, standing, lying and other activities. Like fish in any water to move and swim is always flooded. Human being should feel like the condition of fish, due to a move and go wherever we can never escape from the greatness and the magnitude of God that filled and flooded the universe.
Feelings of God filled and controlled manner, bore wira'i (carefully) in thinking, say and behave. Formed qona'ah nature and heart of a peaceful, calm and patient in the face of all the test material in the world live. And this is the characteristics of the right people. But it was hard to find people who at the time sitting, lying down, walking and any condition can remember God. Generally, an employee of the office when the work of the task in mind - administrative tasks. A merchant remember his wares, a farmer remembers the farm, a student remember the lesson, and so on. And the word of God: 

ان فى خلق السموات والارض واختلاف اليل والنهار لايات لأولى الالباب - الذين يذكرون الله قياما وقعودا وعلى جنوبهم ويتفكرون فى خلق السموات والارض ربنا ما خلقت هذا باطلا سبحانك فقنا عذاب النار (ال عمران: 190 - 191) Meaning: In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the changes of night and day there are signs the power of God to those who think, - it is an expert piki people who remember Allah standing, sitting, lying, and thinking about the creation of the heavens and the earth. Then they pondered as he prayed: "O our Lord! You are not in vain to create this, Glory to Thee, save us from the torment of hell ". (Surah 3: 190 - 191)
The portion of memory to God that we ought to exceed the memory of anything in this world or at least the same. Memory of family, property, employment and other things that should be based on memories of Allah. Because it is a logical consequence. That is, if you want to remember and loved goods, would have to be willing and prepared to remember and love the owner. Everything that exists in this world and the creation of God. When the daily busy chasing, remember and love all the trinkets of this life then the consequences must also remember and love of God as the owner. Because what if one just think of all God's creation and prosperity of the world expects it, then in the hereafter they will not ditoleh God and will not inherit heaven kesejateraan.
Do-not just saying live human birth to the world and the Hereafter. Seen from the mind everyday practice, dealt with and that rotates around the world affairs in his mind alone. While affairs (memory) to Allah and the hereafter is not crossed in his heart. Would be unwise if we dodged it. Because this is not recognized or human reality. Almost no one can remember and love God as they remember and love children, wife, wealth or anything else in this world. Humans can count itself, in the day and night, how many seconds, minutes and hours thinking of rotation to other things. Of course, much more time for other things and affairs of the Lord.
This expression was not convicted, but a reality that occurs naturally in society. Ask yourself each, more where all this memory of love to God than with something that looks and can be felt physically all around us? The answer (if honest) to be other more other than Allah. Therefore, awareness and improvement is more important to have rather than making excuses justify something wrong. But everything belongs to one's faith. Command and awareness to remember God much as anything much can be run only by those who believe it.
يايها الذين امنوا اذكروا الله ذكرا كثيرا (الاحزاب: 41) It means: "O ye who believe! Tingkatkanlah often the mind to God. (Surah 33: 41)
With a glass bottom paragraph above verse where our position, is there any faith in our hearts? If his memory and his love for other more different from the final day of God and that there was no faith in his heart. If the rotation of our brains and hearts away from God, then HE will allow Satan to go with (control) men. As the following verse:
ومن يعش عن ذكرالرحمن نقيض له شيطانا فهو له قرين (الزخرف: 36) Whoever turns away from the memory of God the Merciful, We made him prince of darkness (which is misleading) the devil that is the friend who always accompanied him. (Surat Az-Zukhruf 36)
And if someone was accompanied by the devil, it will be more far from the truth of God. There is no chance prayers in congregation, left no time for the Koran. No visit was able to develop tolerance, also forget to charity. Could we have felt God's presence around us every moment as the verses above? If not, it's time we tried to melaksanakn seeruan God is to worship does not have an opportunity to accompany and control us.


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