Daftar Kode Rahasia nokia
Daftar Kode Rahasia nokia (tips)

*3370# Untuk mengaktifkan Full Rate Codec (EFR) - HP Nokia kamu akan memiliki kualitas suara yang maksimal tapi, waktu bicara akan berkurang sekitar 5%

#3370# Untuk mematikan Full Rate Codec (EFR)

*#4720# Mengaktifkan Half Rate Codec - Ponsel nokia kamu akan memiliki kualitas suara terendah, tetapi akan meningkatkan waktu bicara (Talk time) sekitar 30%

*#4720# Mematikan fungsi Half Rate Codec

*#0000# Menampilkan informasi firmware ponsel

*#9999# Menampilkan informasi firmware ponsel jika *#0000# ngga jalan

*#06# Untuk mengetahui International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number) kita

#pw+1234567890+1# Mengunci status provider. (gunakan tanda "*" untuk memisahkan antara "p,w" dan tanda "+" )

#pw+1234567890+2# Mengunci status Network. (gunakan tanda "*" untuk memisahkan antara "p,w" dan tanda "+" )

#pw+1234567890+3# Mengunci Status Country. (gunakan tanda "*" untuk memisahkan antara "p,w" dan tanda "+" )

#pw+1234567890+4# Mengunci status SIM Card. (gunakan tanda "*" untuk memisahkan antara "p,w" dan tanda "+" )

*#147# mengetahui siapa yang nelpon kamu terakhir kali (hanya untuk vodofone)

*#1471# panggilan terakhir (hanya nntuk vodofone)

*#21# Mengetahui kemana semua panggilan dialihkan

*#2640# Menampilkan security code yang sedang digunakan

*#30# untuk menampilkan private number (Biasanya IM3 neh)

*#43# untuk memeriksa status "Call Waiting" di ponsel kamu.

*#61# untuk memeriksa nomor panggilan yang "On No Reply"

*#62# untuk memeriksa nomor panggilan yang "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" dan mengetahui kemana dialihkannya

*#67# untuk memeriksa nomor panggilan yang "On Busy Calls" dan mengetahui kemana dialihkannya

*#67705646# untuk menghilangkan logo operator pada 3310 & 3330

*#73# Untuk menghapus timer ponsel dan score pada games ponsel

*#746025625# Menampilkan SIM Lock Status, kalo ponsel kamu mendukung fungsi power saving "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", itu berarti kamu bisa mendapatkan waktu terbaik untuk standby (Berapa lama kamu standby)

*#7760# kode produk

*#7780# mengembalikan settingan pabrik

*#8110# melihat versi untuk nokia 8110

*#92702689# menampilkan - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 untuk no repair), 5.Transfer User Data. Untuk keluar dari mode ini, kamu perlu me-restart HP kamu

*#94870345123456789# mematikan fungsi PWM-Mem

**21*nomorhp# menghidupkan "All Calls" dan mengalikan ke nomer yang tertulis

**61*nomorhp# menghidupkan "No Reply" dan mengalikan ke nomer yang tertulis

**67*nomorhp# menghidupkan "On Busy" dan mengalikan ke nomer yang tertulis

*#06# buat liat imei kita sama ga ama yg di body hp

12345 ini security code bawaan nokia (Standard)

Call Divert (all call types)


Set: **21*destination#[SEND]

Cancel: ##21#[SEND]

Query: *#21#[SEND]

No Answer

Delay nn seconds: max 30 seconds, in 5 second increments

Set: **61*destination*nn#[SEND]

Cancel: ##61#[SEND]

Query: *#61#[SEND]


Set: **62*destination#[SEND]

Cancel: #62#[SEND]

Query: *#62#[SEND]


Set: **67*destination#[SEND]

Cancel: ##67#[SEND]

Query: *#67#[SEND]

Cancel All


Divert Voice Calls


Set: **21*destination*11#[SEND]

Cancel: ##21*11#[SEND]

Query: *#21*11#[SEND]

No Answer

Delay nn seconds: max 30 seconds, in 5 second increments

Set: **61*destination*11*nn#[SEND]

Cancel: ##61*11#[SEND]

Query: *#61*11#[SEND]


Set: **62*destination*11#[SEND]

Cancel: ##62*11#[SEND]

Query: *#62*11#[SEND]


Set: **67*destination*11#[SEND]

Cancel: ##67*11#[SEND]

Query: *#67*11#[SEND]

Divert Data Calls


Set: **21*destination*25#[SEND]

Cancel: ##21*25 [SEND]

Query: *#21*25#[SEND]

No Answer

Delay nn seconds: max 30 seconds, in 5 second increments

Set: **61*destination*25*nn#[SEND]

Cancel: ##61*25#[SEND]

Query: *#61*25#[SEND]


Set: **62*destination*25#[SEND]

Cancel: ##62*25#[SEND]

Query: *#62*25#[SEND]


Set: **67*destination*25#[SEND]

Cancel: ##67*25#[SEND]

Query: *#67*25#[SEND]

Divert Fax Calls


Set: **21*destination*13#[SEND]

Cancel: ##21*13#[SEND]

Query: *#21*13#[SEND]

No Answer

Delay nn seconds: max 30 seconds, in 5 second increments

Set: **61*destination*13*nn#[SEND]

Cancel: #61*13#[SEND]

Query: *#61*13#[SEND]


Set: **62*destination*13#[SEND]

Cancel: #62*13#[SEND]

Query: *#62*13#[SEND]


Set: **67*destination*13#[SEND]

Cancel: ##67*13#[SEND]

Query: *#67*13#[SEND]

Divert Line 2 Calls


Set: **21*destination*89#[SEND]

Cancel: #21*89#[SEND]

Query: *#21*89#[SEND]

No Answer

Delay nn seconds: max 30 seconds, in 5 second increments

Set: **61*destination*89*nn#[SEND]

Cancel: ##61*89#[SEND]

Query: *#61*89#[SEND]


Set: **62*destination*89#[SEND]

Cancel: ##62*89#[SEND]

Query: *#62*89#[SEND]


Set: **67*destination*89#[SEND]

Cancel: ##67*89#[SEND]

Query: *#67*89#[SEND]

Call Barring

You use call barring to control what calls can be made or received by your account.

The barring code is specific to the network. Ask your service provider.

Note that Call Barring can't work if call diverts are active, even the autodivert set by the network.

All calls

Set: **330*barring code#[SEND]

Cancel: ##330*barring code#[SEND]

Query: *#330#[SEND]

Outgoing calls

Set: **333*barring code#[SEND]

Cancel: ##333*barring code#[SEND]

Query: *#333#[SEND]

Incoming calls

Set: **35*barring code#[SEND]

Cancel: ##35*barring code#[SEND]

Query: *#35#[SEND]

Outgoing international calls

Set: **331*barring code#[SEND]

Cancel: ##331*barring code#[SEND]

Query: *#331#[SEND]

Outgoing international calls except to home country

Set: **332*barring code#[SEND]

Cancel: ##332*barring code#[SEND]

Query: *#332#[SEND]

Incoming calls when outside home country

Set: *351*barring code#[SEND]

Cancel: #351*barring code#[SEND]

Query: *#351#[SEND]

Cancel All Call Barring

#330*barring code#[SEND]


There is no provision in the GSM specification for diverting SMS messages

Bar incoming SMS messages

Set: *35*barring code*16#[SEND]

Cancel: #35*barring code*16#[SEND]

Call waiting

Set: *43#[SEND]

Cancel: #43#[SEND]

Query: *#43#[SEND]

Incoming call waiting

Reject: 0 [SEND]

Drop current call and answer: 1 [SEND]

Hold current call and answer: 2 [SEND]

Calling line identity

Outgoing CLI Release (recipient sees your number)

Release: *31# destination [SEND]

Withhold: #31# destination [SEND]

Query default: *#31#[SEND]

Incoming CLI Presentation (you see the caller's number)

Allow: *30#[SEND]

Prevent: #30#[SEND]

Query default: *#30#[SEND]

Dial number from memory

Where nnn is the memory location number


Change PIN codes

Change Call Barring pin code


Change SIM pin code


Change SIM pin2 code


Unblock SIM pin code


Unblock SIM pin code


For explanations of the pin codes, see the Passwords page in the Security section.


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